
“In the course of my involvement, the cause has emerged”

Talking to her is not something you can do half-heartedly. Sondos Garbouj is a clinical psychologist, currently teaching psychology at the university. A profession that echoes the question of Gender / Human Rights / Feminism, which reflects her intersectional involvement. Practicing goes hand in hand with her unwavering support for minorities. In this interview, she talks about her involvement, which she advocates loud and clear.

“In the course of my involvement, the cause has emerged” Read More »

A story of wandering

After listening to his journey, he gives us complete freedom to present him, as our interlocutor treats with caution some terms that are commonly used such as “refugee”, “asylum seeker”, or even activist. “Ward” is his real first name, which he chose to put forward in order to overshadow another one that is more common, with a Muslim connotation, attributed by his family.

A story of wandering Read More »

A quest for oneself

One is not born oneself, one becomes one! or one persists in becoming one. Aspiring to a more just community life and having brandished the banner of individual freedoms at an early age, “Leil” soon came up against the hazards of a turbulent, often hostile existence, but one that continues to be lived to the fullest. Fights, dodging and a perpetual search for peace and reconciliation (un)shape his path.

A quest for oneself Read More »